"Good! I'm glad we got that out of the way. Are you ready for our next client?" "Next client?" Nikki was exhausted and in pain from the last one. "Yes, I booked a short session with a client tonight. Go upstairs and freshen up. I can't have you looking like a whore." Then she began giggling. "Well, look at that, I made a joke. Now go and freshen up!" After Nikki freshened up, he came back downstairs. He was still wearing the chastity device. "I have some good news." Samantha announced. "I am going to take your chastity device off for this session." She told him. "Thank you." Nikki said. The device was hurting somewhat and it was a bit relaxing knowing that he wasn't going to get any electrical shocks anytime soon. That was a relief. A short lived one, but nonetheless, a relief. The doorbell rang and Samantha answered it. In walked a tall beautiful woman with black hair and green eyes wearing a tight red dress with no bra on. Her nipples were like gumdrops and were fully erect. She had no stockings on, but Nikki noticed her six inch red stiletto heels. The silver from the stilettos was shining. As if to taunt Nikki. "Erica! Please come in." Samantha welcomed her. "Hi Samantha." She greeted back. Nikki was standing behind Samantha. "Where is your husband?' Of course she had thought Nikki was a female.
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